New York - Winter 1999
Week Two - December 13-19

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Times Square looking North
Times Square looking East
on 44th Street
Times Square looking South
toward where the New Year's
Crystal Ball will fall
Times Square police
have estimated that at least
2,000,000 people will be here
for December 31, 1990.
This is four times as many as
usual. Starting at 6am on 12/31
and continuing each hour for
24 hours, the country which is
welcoming the New Year will
share some memento from
that country.
ABC-TV's new anchor studio
where Good Morning America
is done from both lower floors
Japanese caligraphy painter...
...draws very detailed figures
to be shaped like the letters
of someone's name - $12
When the paint has dried,
the painting may be taken away
The Lamb's Club, 44th street
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Images with Sony Mavica Digital Camera by H. Albertson